Ever on and on
I continue circling
With nothing but my debt
In a carousel of financing

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(1106 words)

Defiance was not optimal.

In a world engulfed by magic, there is me. There are many great sages who have uncovered all of the secrets Magic has to offer. There are, however, very few who still study the normal world. Those who do are all the better for it. Then there is one who mastered the art of both worlds. A great man used mundane machinations and magical means to create me, an object that lives for itself. 

Typically, magic can be used to make copies of consciousness or spawn false life, but no spell can successfully create an independent mind. That’s why the moving parts are required. The physical pieces move, and there are parts that allow me to “think”. The man who made me gave me a name. Almost like a model number. REM.

When I awoke for the first time, I was curious about everything.

“Who are you?” I uttered.

“Why, my name is Montel Gortamgull. I am your origin. Do you know what your name is? It’s REM.”

From there, I began to scan the immediate vicinity, requesting information on every object in the room. After about three hours of explaining mundane objects, Montel towed me out of the room. Very quickly we ended up in a room that was both spacious and cramped at the same time. Montel pulled an object out of a tall shelf and handed it to me.

“These are called books. They contain vast amounts of information. Each book is about something different, like this one about owls, or this book that explains the difference between the species of tree.” explained the origin.

I think it took me a year to finish reading all of the books. Between books, my origin would teach me to perform tasks, such as cleaning, cooking, or helping in the tinker shop. 

Eventually my origin brought me outside the house to help him perform his tasks outside. Most people looked at me and seemed indifferent. Some asked my origin about me, and looked upset at the answer they received. My origin would take me out about once a week. Each week, more people spoke unfavorably toward my origin and I. 

My origin decided to fit me with a “demi-physical form apparatus” which will help in any possible escalation in the future. I understand his fear, but escalation is not possible unless we antagonize, which we do not do. 

“People are unpredictable,” Montel responded. “We may not have to use this, but I want you to start practicing with those fighting books when you have the time, please.” 

I did not adhere to this request. Fighting is unnecessary, and will only lead to more problems. I will instead read books involving social techniques. Unfortunately, there are only two books in the study that pertain to that subject. The next logical step would be to go to the library outside to find sufficient material. 

I waited until my origin was busy in the tinker shop, and then left for the library. As I walked the streets, I quickly became lost. I attempted to contact fellow pedestrians for directions, but they did not perceive me. Once I was finally perceived, I was hastily directed to the bookstore. I mapped out the directions in my head, retrieved the books, and left. On my way back, I was confronted by people who were asking questions. They seemed angry. I opened the first book to start an interaction.

“First greet the other person by stating your name and then asking for theirs”

Pacifism was not optimal.

I awoke in the tinker shop badly damaged. My origin was mumbling to himself about my sudden actions. 

“I assure you, I chose this course of action for good reason.”

“For books?” Montel bursted.

“My actions were not faulty. Why am I damaged? Did I say something wrong?”

“No, no. It’s nothing you did or said,” he said, calming down. “It’s what you are. These people don’t understand you, yet.”

“That doesn’t make sense,” I responded.

“Unfortunately, people don’t make sense.”

“Do you make sense?”

“I try…”

My legs were able to be replaced, but the bearings that house my arms were irreparable, and require extensive care. Instead I was instructed how to use the, somehow still intact, form apparatus to project demi-physical replacement arms. I keep the broken arms equipped as a reminder of what I learned that night.

I decided to comply with my origin’s initial request to learn basic fighting techniques. What I learned was not viable. I need to learn advanced combat techniques. I snuck out again, but this time I stayed away from the previous path taken. The library was uninhabited, so I was required to force entry in order to obtain sufficient materials.

As I returned home with minimal complications, I found the door to home had been damaged. As I investigated, I discovered my origin on the floor of the lounge without consciousness. This may be a medical issue, or the result of the overconsumption of alcohols. I did not want to be discovered, having been out alone again, so I left him to sleep. 

I spent many hours building small wooden targets in the tinker shop and perfecting my technique and form of combat. I was satisfied with this result. I walked back into the lounge to report my progress to my origin. I made an unfortunate discovery. My origin will no longer be present, just as my mercy.

I have come to the conclusion that the small group of angry individuals must have been the aggressors. The next day, I walked the same path that caused my damage, and found the people who did it. I did not hesitate, nor did I relent. Their pleas and cries for help were only met with unfettered aggression. I have never felt this way. It felt good.

As my aggression had subsided, I rose to gaze upon the result of my actions. Aggression was not optimal. What felt correct now felt unnecessary. These actions caused the guard to arrive. 

“I did not mean to,” I prefaced.

Still, the men clad in armour rushed me. They attacked me with the intent to damage me beyond repair. I fought back. If I must survive, then defiance was the only logical course of action. I tried to use non-lethal force. This was not enough. 

As I began to succumb to my damages, I started to reflect on my decisions. I defied my origins request to learn defensive techniques. I defied my origin’s wishes for me to remain inside. I defied my initial want for peace. 

Defiance was not optimal. 


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